I have tried out this
website the last few weeks and have really liked it. The basic concept is they find all the sales...compare them to Wal-mart and Costco and tell you where to shop each week (similar to "grocery smarts") to get the best deals. But they take it two steps further... first, they incooperate food storage and second, they give you recipes to use all the food that you purchased on sale.
They are letting you try it out for a week or two free and then it is $4.95 a month. I am beginning to think its worth it. I actually like cooking but I really HATE coming up with a menu, ideas of what to make. This does it for me and supposedly makes it cheaper. The first week I did it I shopped at Albertson's. Virtually everything I bought was on sale. When they handed me the receipt they told me I had saved $96.34. Whoah! Now, I did spend about $150 but I got a ton of food.
My only problem is that I still had stuff to get at Walmart and Sam's Club, the stuff that wasn't on sale at Albertson's, to fill in the menu and the food storage for that week. That was more money than I spend in two weeks. They post the deals every week. I don't cook a full-on meal EVERY night so seven days of menu items lasts close to two weeks. That just meant that I didn't go shopping for the deals the next week but I still have all the menu ideas. And in fact, I had a lot of the things to make those meals already.
Anyway, I have really liked being able to try out new things. So far we have liked everything, some more than others. My kids, well Dane and sometimes Mackenzie, have even liked the food too (Brice doesn't like anything!).
If you are interested, email me:
tiffyj@byu.net and I will forward you the emails.