Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yoga Boys

Yes, Dan does Yoga (and this time Brice was trying too). Its part of our new workout program....P90X. Its pretty intense!! Its a home workout program on DVD. It includes weights, cardio, kick-boxing, yoga and other workouts. The first day we did a shoulders and back workout. It involved lots of different kinds of pushups and pull-ups. A couple hours after I did the workout I called Dan..."If my arms are already sore does that mean I injured myself or it was just a hard workout??" He laughed, "If it makes you feel any better I threw-up half way through." downward dog...
Then up to warrior one...
Sorry, Dan, I know you didn't love this picture but it was too funny with Brice and I couldn't just crop him out (a little too close up on the naked parts).
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